Where is my brain’s “off” button?

Do you ever wish you could simply push a button to turn off your brain? Does it seem as if you’re always thinking, worrying, planning, etc… so much so that your mind cannot shut down long enough to get a good night’s sleep?

Would you like to experience more inner peace and ease of mind? Would you like a simple tool to help you calm your mind, decrease stress and anxiety, and improve your sense of well-being? Would you like to know what I do to stay steady, calm, and present??

According to the National Science Foundation, of the daily thinking we do, 80% is related to negative thoughts, and 95% of thoughts are repeating themselves day after day!

That’s a lot of the same thoughts day after day! This constant, mindless pattern of thought disconnects us from the present moment, zaps our energy, and increases stress & anxiety.  When the hamster wheel of thought is constantly in motion, we begin to feel as if life is speeding by - moments passing by unseen. It’s like riding in a car, but you can’t see out the window to the beautiful countryside you’re passing. Instead, all you see is the inside of the car - your own constant stream of thoughts, ideas, beliefs, judgements, fears, worries, fantasies, etc.

As humans, we haven’t done a great job of training the mind to stay present for very long!  Instead, the thinking mind grabs our attention and away it goes…Often we feel like we have no control over this! We get stuck with the view of inside the car and miss the passing scenery. This is where the practice of mindfulness comes in!

What is Mindfulness?

According to Jon Kabat Zinn, founder of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program, mindfulness is “the awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally”.  It can also be described as:

  • The ability to stay calm, steady, and focused; to be fully engaged in the present moment without the need to distract oneself; becoming aware of our thoughts and feelings without getting caught up in them.

  • A very important and necessary tool in the human toolbox for life that helps override the mind’s tendency to constantly be in motion. 

  • A pathway to a quiet mind.

When we are constantly being swept away by the unconscious stream of thoughts and feelings, the day becomes infiltrated with anxiety, stress, and worry. Mindfulness allows us the opportunity to pause so that we can step off the speeding hamster wheel of thought and allow ourselves a moment of peace. This pause is your brain’s “off” button. Learning how to press this button requires consistent practice, and this practice is mindfulness. 😊

Strengthening the mind to stay focused and present is like strengthening muscles to get stronger to lift more weight. Just as with strengthening the body’s muscles, we need a consistent and on-going “mind-strengthening” practice to truly yield the benefits. Mindfulness is not a practice of stopping thought, but rather a process of continually, and non-judgmentally redirecting thought back to an object of focus. The more we practice, the better we become at maintaining a single point of focus, despite what life may throw at us.

When we practice mindfulness, we learn to sit with ourselves, our thoughts, and our constant inner dialogue. We learn our patterns, our distraction techniques, and the ways in which we disconnect from the present moment. We don’t stop thoughts. Instead, we get really good at guiding our attention back to a single point of focus. It’s like training a puppy to stay focused to walk on a leash! 😊 With consistent practice, you will succeed!

Are you interested in learning more about mindfulness?

If you’d like to experience how a mindfulness practice can help you live with less stress & anxiety and improve your quality of life, then I invite you to join me for my upcoming, in-person workshop on St. Croix: An Introduction to Mindfulness.

In this 2-hour workshop, you will:

  • Learn simple, yet powerful practices to slow an over-thinking mind for decreased stress and anxiety.

  • Learn how to stay focused on the present vs. bouncing between thoughts of past & future.

  • Connect us to a sense of stillness in body, mind, & being.

  • Leave feeling calmer, more focused, and grounded.

Where: Island Movement on St. Croix

When: Saturday, Sept. 23rd 1-3pm

Investment: $40

To register, go to my website: https://stonebodyworks.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=52501573


“Mindfulness is about strengthening the ability to quiet oneself and settle into inner stillness; it’s resisting the pull of our never-ending stream of thoughts and creating the opportunity to connect with the present moment...allowing for more peace and ease as we move thru life.”  -Stacey 


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