“The shoulders are the battleground between the head & heart.”

“The shoulders are the battleground between the head & heart.”


What does that statement say to you?  One of my first, influential teachers said this in a class that was focused on neck and shoulders. The statement really struck me, and it has stuck with me over the past 15 years. Her words encouraged me to pause and really consider the “battle” that was taking place between these areas of my own body.

This statement could be interpreted on the physical, mental and emotional levels, but for today, I will focus on the physical. From a structural perspective the position of the head is affected by the position of the shoulders. If the shoulders are rounded forward, the heart area is compressed (reducing flood flow, efficiency, and function), and the head deviates forward. If we follow the idea that we build our posture from the base- up, then we align the heart before the head. Just as many of you have experienced in my ELDOA classes…when we set up our posture, we begin at the feet and work our way up the body, with the cue of “reach thru the crown” as we align our heads last. When we “stack” the joints of the body in this way, muscular tension dissipates as it can now find a route out of the body. This more aligned position allows for a more efficient flow of energy thru your muscles and joints as you move thru your day. 

Numbness, pain, tingling in the arms/ fingers…may be symptoms of “the battle” between the heart & shoulder alignment.

This is where a dose of ELDOA for your C6-7 disc space may come to the rescue! The nerves that run down your arms and to your fingers come off of the spine at this level. By using the ELDOA posture for this area, we create space for this nerve….this allows the “traffic” to flow more freely- allowing the tension (aka “battle) to ease up from the shoulders down to the hands. Join me for an ELDOA class this month as we practice this valuable tool for neck & shoulder resilience!

What’s new this month?

  • JOIN ME FOR A CLASS! This month’s virtual classes  integrate ELDOA postures for the cervical spine & shoulders. These movement practices will enhance the resilience of your neck.

  • NEW FREE VIDEO! This “ELDOA Flow for the Neck” combines my favorites for a short flow to keep your neck elongated and pain- free! Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60ZSc6xl4Dc

  • CLASS VIDEO LIBRARY COMING IN JUNE! I’ll be taking some time off from teaching to travel in June. But no worries! I will have the class library available for you to access for classes if you like pre-recorded classes. 

I have a few appointment times available before the end of May. If you’d like to schedule a session to discuss your movement needs and goals, please reach out! My next availability will be mid- July. 

Let me help you design a bespoke movement program that fits your desired lifestyle! I offer private coaching virtually and in-person on St. Croix, and also offer weekly virtual ELDOA classes to help you build a more resilient body. Not sure what ELDOA is? Don’t worry about the name, just trust me that you need it in your life! Reach out and I’ll set you up with you FIRST CLASS FOR FREE! You can contact me the old fashioned way: 828-280-4987, or by clicking this link: https://form.jotform.com/73505264484156

Movement is medicine! Get your daily dose!

Yours in resilient body,



What is ELDOA? How can it help YOU build a more resilient spine?


Why Do You Exercise?