ELDOA vs. Yoga

I often hear students compare ELDOA to yoga, and while these two forms of movement share similarities, there are some differences that are important to delineate – especially for those of you that may have shied away from an ELDOA class because you thought it was yoga! 

If you have tried yoga and didn’t jive with it,  please do not assume that you also won’t like ELDOA!  

This post will help you get a clearer picture of the ELDOA practice and what distinguishes it from yoga. This is not to say that one practice is better than the other! Rather, I believe that the regular practice of ELDOA postures will enhance every other type of movement that you do in life. I hope this information will empower you to take a class with me so you can experience the powerful and transformative effects of the ELDOA practice!

Let’s start with the similarities: 

  • The cueing may be the similar – especially if your ELDOA instructor is also a yoga instructor!

  • Both use your bodyweight.

  • Fluidity of movement is encouraged!

The differences:

  • ELDOA postures are held for one minute. Yoga postures may be held briefly or for long periods- you may be flowing from one posture to the next in a sun salutation or flow yoga class, while Yin yoga postures will generally be held for 2+ minutes. 

  • You don’t need to be super bendy and flexible to “be good” at ELDOA. Although you may be holding an ELDOA posture for 60 seconds, the goal is NOT to turn you into a pretzel!  The goal is to get you into a position creates a decompression effect at a specific joint. 

  • The ELDOA postures are designed to specifically influence individual joints of the spine, hips, or shoulders; it is a targeted practice with very specific effects. Yoga postures are more generalized in that you can target the area of the lower back for a stretch, but not at a specific vertebral area. For example: we can do an ELDOA posture to decompress the vertebral space between L5- S1, and this is a different posture than the ELDOA for L4-5. In yoga the teacher may choose forward folds, Warrior 1, and cat/ cow to stretch out the lower back, but these poses do not have the ability to create space at a specific vertebral space. 

  • ELDOA’s keystone is that it is an analytical practice. It teaches the student to evaluate and control one’s own posture and brings awareness to postural inconsistencies through a methodical way of working with and teaching the nervous system.  Although a focused and intentional yoga practice has the potential to be analytical, it is not the keystone of the practice – a meditative mindset tends to be the focus.



ELDOA is an excellent way to enhance your body awareness and is a perfect addition to existing movement practices as it enhances quality of movement, decreases injury, and improves longevity of the spine, hips, shoulders, and fascia of the body.

Do you want to try a class that integrates ELDOA & yoga? Join me in July for ELDOA Yoga Thursdays at 3:15pm AT. Reserve your spot here: https://instabook.io/s2/stonebodyworksfitness?EvtId=1657045256541×618519224635097100


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