ELDOA, The Magic Bullet for Back Pain

According to the Global Burden of Disease 2010, low back pain causes more global disability than any other condition and the American Chiropractic Association reports that back pain is one of the most common reasons for missed work. It is estimated that back pain will affect as much as 80% the population at least once in our lives.

If you have ever experienced an episode of back pain- when movement is impaired and normal daily function is limited, then you know how challenging it can be to get thru a normal day. Not only is it a physical stress, but when the pain becomes chronic, it stresses us mentally and emotionally as well.

When we experience pain, it is important to remember why this response happens in the body. Pain is how the body communicates with us. It is its way of saying that something is not right, and when this pain appears, it is up to us to ask why. In my practice, the “why” of the pain often relates back to misalignment of the skeleton and the lack of balance of the muscles around the joints, leading to compression, inflammation, pain, and injury. My work with clients is focused on creating awareness of alignment in the body, while creating the stability to hold this ideal alignment. When the body is properly aligned, the joints are able to move freely and chronic stress on the bones and soft tissues is decreased. With this, there is a decrease and often an elimination of pain.

This is where ELDOA comes into the picture. The ELDOA postures (Etirements Longitudinaux avec Decoaptition Osteo-Articulaire) were developed by French osteopath, Dr. Guy VOYER. These self- applied postures utilize myofascial stretching to put tension around a vertebra or joint, to make it the center of “separating forces”. This multidirectional- myofascial tension creates a de-coaptation effect (think “decompression”) on the joint. When a joint can de-coaptate, fluids can then flow into the injured area and facilitate the healing process. This fluid flow allows for a decrease in inflammation and pain.

The ELDOA postures for the spine are of importance; not only can they help to improve posture and spinal health, but they also can improve overall health and well-being. The reason for this is simple…all nerves in the body originate at the spine, therefore when the health of the spine improves, overall health is also impacted. The decompression of these nerves at the spine and within the fascia, allow for an improvement of function of the muscular, endocrine, nervous and organ systems of the body. Through three decades of study, practice, and application, Dr. VOYER’s developed the ELDOA postures for the spine as the “magic bullet” for back pain.

The ELDOA postures are best learned from a certified ELDOA Trainer™ in a class or one-on-one setting. The effects of ELDOA are cumulative and awareness of posture and movement in sport and daily life continue to improve and refine with time and experience. Within each class, you can expect to experience:

  • A total-body warm up to:

    • Increase blood flow to the muscles and improve cardio output

    • An osteo-articular (joint) warm up to warm up the joints and improve joint awareness

  • Techniques and exercises to improve posture and alignment

  • Myofascial stretching to:

    • Improve range of motion

    • Lengthen muscles that restrict movement

  • ELDOA postures for spine, shoulders, ribs, and/ or hips to create space

  • Breathing practices to learn to properly breathe with the diaphragm

ELDOA classes provide you with the knowledge and tools to prevent joint injuries and avoid back pain. By creating balance in your posture and addressing alignment of the body as it moves in life and sport, you decrease your chances of pain and injury. Come and experience an ELDOA class today! You will leave with an improved awareness of posture and the effortless sense of standing taller. All bodies, from all walks of life are welcome no experience necessary!


How Do You Set Up a Home Workout Space?


Why Is the Warm Up So Important with ELDOA?