A Simple ELDOA for Low Back Pain

The lower back tends to be a common area of pain and injury for many people. This area of the spine is referred to as the lumbar spine. It has five lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5) and includes the sacrum with its five fused vertebrae. These lumbar vertebrae are the largest, unfused vertebrae in the spinal column allowing them to support the weight of the upper body. The lower a vertebrae is in the spinal column, the more weight it must bear. This means that the lowest segments (primarily L4 thru the sacrum), bear the most weight and are therefore the most prone to degeneration, chronic pain, and injury.

A “segment” of the spine includes the bony vertebrae as well as the disc between them. These discs are like rubbery, water filled pads that act like shock absorbers in the spine to cushion the vertebrae as the body moves. When the vertebrae are compressed, they essentially “squish” the disc between them. On a very simplistic level, this compression creates increased wear and tear on the vertebrae as well as the discs and surrounding connecting structures (connective tissue, muscles, and nerves). Over time, this compression can create joint deterioration, pain and injury.

An excellent tool to address pain in the lower lumbar spine, is the ELDOA posture for L5- S1. If done daily for a one minute hold, this ELDOA can begin to allow a de-coaptation effect on the vertebrae and tissues of the spine, allowing the opportunity for the discs to rehydrate and the spinal tissues to heal.

Check out a short video to learn more about this powerful ELDOA.

The best and safest way to experience ELDOA is under the guidance of an experienced, certified ELDOA Trainer™. Check out one of my classes to experience this powerful, healing modality in person.


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